Completed projects

Obtaining permits

After receiving the certificate of permission on land and property rights registration or lease contract, begins the process of collecting of output data for the construction design.

For the purposes of establishing a design assignment for the project organization, technical conditions in government services should be obtained, and topogeodesic surveying, geology, land border inflictions, red lines and utilities should be ordered before starting the designing works,.

Conduct a survey of the building to determine the quality of the ground.

For obtaining technical specifications for connection to external networks and preparing the contract it is desirable to appeal with the questionnaire, stamped by the design organization and building owner to suppliers of electricity, water, gas, etc.

Also obtain technical specifications for radio, telephone, television, outdoor lighting, sewing system, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, fire safety regulations if required for your project.

When developing the project, the requirements of the specifications and a passport facility of the building should be considered.

Agree the action lines, vertical planning of the site, conduct of a green space survey, and obtain the demolition act.

If necessary (new project refers to 4-5 category and higher) pass the examination of the project to obtain a positive opinion, and issue a building permit.

Coordinate external and internal networks, get stitched and design documents, and complete a declaration to start preparatory work and notify local authorities.

With “Unicom Group” you effectively and as quickly as possible get the building permits. Our ultimate goal is to make the process of obtaining permits for you fast, reliable, of high quality, legal and economic